Who is to blame for Mamamoo's recent outfit choices?

Article: "Who is making Mamamoo show so much skin?" Solar, Whasa 'too much skin' 

Source: The Celeb via Nate

1. [+1,961, -161] Makes me uncomfortable with how over the top they are now

2. [+1,549, -183] Are they addicted to exposing skin? The more they do this, the more they're going to make people go from disinterest to dislike

3. [+548, -58] They're a bit tacky...

4. [+91, -15] They've been in the industry for years, they're past the point where they do whatever their agency tells them to. They're choosing to dress like this... and I'll admit that as a man, it makes me uncomfortable...

5. [+81, -21] It's because they know they're ugly. They'd rather be in the spotlight for issues like this than just quietly get buried.

6. [+80, -5] Showing skin is fine in moderation... but I feel dirty from these pictures. Isn't it embarrassing to show skin to this point? How can anyone think her wearing panties or whatever on stage like that is "cool";;

7. [+71, -12] Women are the only one saying "you're so pretty, so sexy" that they're actually starting to believe it

8. [+64, -2] They were on 'I Live Alone' saying that they personally pick their stage outfits ㅋ

9. [+62, -8] They seem to think of this attention as successful noise marketing and keep doing it more and more

10. [+41, -8] I liked the early days of Mamamoo way better.. please come back.. Why would they leave all their great talent behind and try to get attention for everything else instead? I don't know if this is what they want or the agency but I no longer anticipate Mamamoo's songs like I used to...

11. [+37, -1] Mamamoo, you guys need to stop... you guys don't have the visuals for this... ㅠ

12. [+37, -4] Whasa was on 'I Live Alone' showing her bra top in her closet and smiling and all so

13. [+36, -2] No, they're attention wh*res so they're choosing to dress like this

14. [+30, -3] Since when did they become eye-terrorists....

15. [+22, -2] They'd get less hate if they at least worked out and toned their bodies more. Their butts are all sagging and sticking out of their shorts. If they need compression tights to be able to pull off these outfits, they should think twice about wearing them at all, no?


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