Taking a look at the differences between JYP and SM through Hush collab stage

How is it possible for both of them to be this beautiful..
-Joy looks so cool..ㅠㅠ And I don't have to explain about Tzuyu, she's a goddess..
-Joy has a pair of big eyes.. Her facial features are so distinct..
-Joy is so freaking pretty, she suits this song really well..
-Tzuyu is better when it comes to dancing, but if we're talking about expressions, it's Joy..
-Tzuyu looks so elegant.. So freaking gorgeous..
-Joy really does suit sexy concept..ㅋㅋㅋ
-I have never noticed this before but Tzuyu is totally JYP's style..ㅋㅋㅋ
-Our Tzuyu has improved a lot.. She's a really hard-worker, and a beauty too on top of that. I love her so much..
-They both are beautiful in their own way..ㅋㅋ They suit this song really well..
-Joy was really out standing during the whole performance. She rocks sexy concept really well..
-Joy reminds me of Suzy. I can't take my eyes off of her..
-Joy totally owned Hush stage last night..ㅠㅠ
-Joy blush on looks beautiful on her..
-I watched the show and thought, 'Suzy is not Suzy for no reason.'
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