Survey shows 'binge mukbangs' promote unhealthy eating habits in viewers

Article: "Fried chicken in ddukbokgi sauce, 10 ramens" binge mukbangs are a dangerous seduction

Source: Newsis via Nate

1. [+923, -237] 'Mukbang regulations' ㅋㅋㅋㅋ this administration is so dumb

2. [+894, -38] I think it's because everyone's so stressed lately that they relieve it through eating... and mukbangs obviously play a role in that too...

3. [+717, -45] Binge mukbangers are all ruining their health. It's not about the number on the scale and it doesn't matter how much you work out after. All those BJs like Banzz, Ddunggae, Mbro, etc are all headed towards diabetes because of the vast amount of sugar they're consuming, as well as high blood pressure from the sodium. Their organs are in overdrive from the excessive protein too. They won't be able to eat like a normal person once all this sets up. I really wish this type of stuff wouldn't be promoted for the sake of making money... I'm genuinely concerned for all the mukbangers out there.

4. [+52, -4] Mukbang is such a barbaric concept. How can you stare at someone eating? How much time do you have to waste?

5. [+48, -1] They're able to get by now because they're all in their twenties and thirties but it won't be possible to eat like this in their forties. I highly doubt any of the mukbangers will still be doing this in their forties - they'll all be running different businesses. Do you really think Banzz is going to be eating like this in his forties?? I don't think so.

6. [+39, -0] Banzz has done this the longest and he shows off how healthy his body is from working out but you can tell he's not healthy by the condition of his teeth. Maybe he throws up after his streams but you can tell that his teeth look very different from when he first started... like they've melted down.

7. [+35, -4] Pathetic to see people actually copying all this stuff

8. [+29, -0] I just want people to understand that working out is not all there is to being healthy. Sure it might make you physically look good but if you binge eat or not watch what you're eating, you're going to eventually suffer from high blood pressure and diabetes; It really comes at you fast and before you know it. A lot of health trainers look fit on the outside but their organs are another story.

9. [+26, -0] All the mukbangers are in their twenties and thirties but I know that their bodies won't be able to handle it later on. They eat 5 times more than the average person, that can't be normal. They may be making a ton of money now but they're going to be spending it on elderly care hospitals, which I guess is a choice they're still making now.

10. [+20, -1] I really do agree that I've been eating more since mukbangs became a thing. I can't imagine the influence it must have on younger kids.


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