IZ*ONE fandom angered over Sakura and Nako promoting with HKT48
Article: "Promise was broken" Sakura x Nako promote with HKT48, IZ*ONE fandom shows strong opposition
Source: Mydaily via Nate
1. [+608, -29] What do you expect from backstabbers ㅋ Just disband the group, not like anyone cares about them anyway
2. [+430, -15] I knew this would happen..
3. [+35, -2] The group would've been fine with just the Korean members, I don't get what the point of adding them was
4. [+35, -2] Start giving them favors and they start to think they deserve them. You have to nip it at the bud or they're just going to keep doing it. The fandom better go hard with full intention of kicking the Japanese members out if it doesn't work out.
5. [+28, -1] Why do the Korean members have to suffer;; ㅡㅡ; just send them back to Japan, the group is fine with the Korean members alone!!!!!
6. [+28, -2] IZ*ONE hasn't even been getting a reaction similar to IOI or Wanna One ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ no one knows who they are other than their fans ㅠ
7. [+26, -2] So why did anyone think it was a good idea to add Japanese members like this
8. [+24, -3] Just kick those two and add in the next two in line
9. [+24, -5] Well this is a makjang
10. [+21, -0] I remember they got rid of double promos in Wanna One because Jung Chaeyeon got in trouble for it in IOI ㅡㅡ now they're allowing it again?
11. [+20, -1] The poor kids who got eliminated
12. [+20, -1] Not like it matters whether they stay in the group or not
13. [+19, -0] Looks like their first album sales weren't as great as they thought it'd be
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