Blind item behind the breakup of Jun Hyun Moo and Han Hye Jin?

Article: The reason for Jun Hyun Moo's breakup rumors is because Heo Song Yeon announcer in the picture?

Source: Herald via Naver

1. [+527, -147] How dare you compare Han Hye Jin to her

2. [+247, -19] Please don't write articles from baseless rumors. Don't just write articles from Internet sources when you can't even reveal the name of the journalist. He'll sue you for that. Take down the article.

3. [+161, -12] I think it's just a picture of co-workers? Why is everything being mentioned... Jun Hyun Moo, Han Hye Jin, and the announcer must be tired.

4. [+237, -92] If the thing between Jun Hyun Moo and Heo Song Yeon are really true, he'll be buried. Han Hye Jin shouldn't even be compared to Heo Song Yeon. Heo Song Yeon looks like a plastic monster.

5. [+91, -16] If you're gonna write articles from rumors, you should reveal the name of the journalist at least. If the rumor is true, do you think Han Hye Jin would be willing to hold off until the year-end awards? I'm sure Jun Hyun Moo isn't a bad person like that.

6. [+73, -7] I criticized Han Hye Jin a few times because I didn't like her attitude and her tone  on I Live Alone but I'm on her side when it comes to their relationship. Jun Hyun Moo had so many rumors like Kim Jimin's backpack and Yang Jungwon's sticker pictures... He lies well so I don't really trust him. I think he likes women a lot.

7. [+73, -14] Blind item: Jun Hyun Moo cheated on Han Hye Jin with Heo Song Yeon who is Kara Youngji's unnie. He didn't even break up with Han Hye Jin. Instead, he told his manager to break up with her. Jun Hyun Moo's mother didn't approve of Han Hye Jin. His mother is known to be extremely proud of his son and she was setting up blind dates for him before he dated Han Hye Jin. His mother thought Han Hye Jin wasn't good enough for him. Heo Song Yeon is a classical vocal major at Ewha Women's University and she's an OBS announcer.

8. [+56, -2] Han Hye Jin might be annoying at times but she's the type of person who won't stab you in the back, so he could last long with her. She's a tsundere so she low-key takes care of you well, too. Cheering for her!

9. [+53, -1] Jun Hyun Moo-ssi, you need to sort out this situation. Did you guys really break up and are holding off until the awards or are you guys getting married in April and are just having arguments over the wedding prep? This is hurting a lot of people right now. If the blind item is false, you should sue them. If it's true, you should admit it.

10. [+48, -0] The rumors we know are only the peak of an iceberg. With the unknown ones, there must be a truck of women that he's hit on. Jun Hyun Moo must be really into women.

Article: 'Heo Youngji's unnie' Heo Song Yeon announcer, "I'll engrave Cao Lu's words in my bones"

Source: Herald Pop via Nate

1. [+679, -17] Why are we seeing random articles of Heo Song Yeon? The journalists have faster access to information than us. Is there really something going on?

2. [+617, -55] Has anybody read the blind item of Heo Song Yeon and Jun Hyun Moo?

3. [+611, -25] Heo Youngji's unnie is appearing on the entertainment news suddenly... I wonder why?

4. [+122, -10] If the blind item is true, Jun Hyun Moo should retire from the entertainment industry. He made a fuzz with his public relationship and backstabbed later. That's not a right manner for his significant other and viewers who were cheering for him.

5. [+121, -3] Wow... If the blind item is true, I would never be able to smile on the show whether it's unprofessional or not. It's amazing enough that she even participated in the recording. Wow... daebak.

6. [+100, -5] A lot of announcers are adulterers. I know a woman whose husband cheated with a KBS announcer. The woman is suing the announcer for adultery. There will be articles about it, soon.

7. [+90, -1] Is Jun Hyun Moo's blind item true? If it's true, wouldn't it be the end of the careers for Jun Hyun Moo and this announcer? No way.

8. [+74, -2] Hul... If the blind item is true, he deserves to be buried.

Article: "Going big for a good deed" Jun Hyun Moo joins a donation group Fruits of Love 'Honor Society'

Source: Herald Pop via Nate

1. [+1105, -29] His donation is amazing.

2. [+868, -25] Oh~ That's cool of him ^^

3. [+764, -25] Oh, he's cool.

4. [+71, -0] His donation aside, those organizations need to be investigated properly. There's so much corruption going on.

5. [+52, -28] Did he do something wrong? Why is he trying to change his image with good deeds suddenly? He didn't cheat, did he?

6. [+48, -9] Heo Youngji's unnie Heo Song Yeon and Jun Hyun Moo ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ And random articles about his donation ㅋㅋㅋㅋ The top comments look obvious, too ㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+48, -0] The donation needs to be used properly for the donors to feel accomplished, too.

8. [+44, -13] There are articles of his breakup and he's getting negative comments, so he seems to be doing media-play with donations.

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