What's really going on with Girlfriend's Yoojoo?

Article: Girlfriend's Yoojoo, unseen... fans worried

Source: MK Sports via Nate

1. [+654, -30] What if we hear news of her leaving and then getting married to some businessman?

2. [+526, -16] Reminds me of what happened with Choa

3. [+483, -21] Is she on track for leaving the group?

4. [+86, -2] So there's no news about her and the other members re-recorded their songs to perform at events... she's not putting out a solo album either. When female celebrities go missing like this, her agency obviously knows that it incites rumors about pregnancy, marriage, or plastic surgery, so why are they staying quiet about it? ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+86, -2] Doesn't seem to be something good if their agency isn't being clear about it

6. [+73, -7] There's no vocal without Yoojoo, tsk tsk. Reminds me of how AOA got demolished after Choa left.

7. [+70, -3] Maybe she's waiting for the swelling to go down after plastic surgery? Getting married is too random of a rumor.

8. [+69, -0] It's either plastic surgery or leaving the group to go solo. If it was health related, her agency would've said so from the start and yet they haven't given any feedback about it.

9. [+44, -1] I think it's plastic surgery. Jaw surgery takes a long time to recover.

10. [+44, -1] Front chin surgery

11. [+39, -2] My vote goes to waiting for the swelling to go down

12. [+33, -2] But what's going on??? Doesn't the agency usually say why a member's not at an event? Is there a reason their agency can't say anything?


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