Rain's father begins to work on debt payback, Dok2 deals with the aftermath of mother's debt scandal

Article: [Exclusive] Rain's father meets with person claiming to have been scammed... "different claims of the amount"

Source: E-Daily via Naver

1. [+9,231, -644] The fact that they are disagreeing on the owed amount means that he did indeed borrow money. There's no smoke without fire. So he borrowed money and also refused to pay it back until now, even after his son made so much money... I bet this would've been buried if Microdot and Dok2's issues never came to light... That's honestly terrible;;

2. [+5,674, -148] So it's confirmed that Rain's parents borrowed money and never paid it back... they're just disagreeing on the amount owed

3. [+2,949, -250] They can't take this to court because they won't even get a cent out of it

4. [+2,127, -204] I wonder how much they're demanding back

5. [+992, -211] Everyone's just jumping on the band wagon now. Rain didn't even borrow this money. This is hilarious.

6. [+808, -129] They originally wanted the initial borrowed amount back and are now asking for interest too. I bet they purposely asked for a ridiculous amount because they know Rain is rich and famous.

7. [+700, -151] Sounds like they're demanding a ridiculous amount to milk Rain


Article: Dok2 "My responsibility as the son"... 'food expense' controversy -> debt resolved

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+3,833, -41] Nobody would've said a thing if he handled it like this from the start

2. [+3,391, -157] It wouldn't be Korean swag if you didn't act like a c*cky tryhard before putting your tail down ㅋㅋ

3. [+2,676, -32] He really was rude for calling the amount his 'monthly food expense'

4. [+982, -79] What about BI??

5. [+682, -60] And what about Microdot and BI??

6. [+551, -17] He may have resolved his mother's debt but we now know what kind of person he truly is on the inside

7. [+410, -15] I wonder why he posted that video of a dog shaking down a pocket on his Instagram? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ He's probably trying to convey that he was milked. Sigh, acts all cool and strong in his lyrics but he's actually a whiny baby.

8. [+374, -7] He didn't apologize at all, just thanked people for worrying about him. What a c*cky person who doesn't even understand what he did wrong. He himself went through the suffering of being poor and hungry, how could he make fun of someone else with that? Don't diss other people if you're not a decent human being yourself.


Article: National petition demanding for tax investigation into Dok2 over his handling of mother's debt scandal

Source: Mydaily via Naver

1. [+6,476, -123] It's not right to act like that just because you're rich. I don't care if you go and spend 10 million won on eating out or throwing it around in the streets, you don't get to hold your wealth status over someone's head. Especially over someone who helped your parents when they needed it most ㅡㅡ How dare you even demand that they come and find you if they want the money back? You made your money off of the public, you don't get to act like this. Can't believe he's on Instagram replying to every comment saying he's not at fault when he should be grateful that they let his parents borrow money at all.

2. [+5,466, -89] I never took him for this type of person but I actually almost threw up when I watched his video. The c*ckiness from someone who borrowed money. He should be apologizing immediately and personally finding them to pay it all back ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ His brain must have gone insane with all the money he's making. I'll be skipping your songs from now on ㅋㅋㅋ If your mother never borrowed that 10 million won, you'd have frozen to death on the streets, let alone be able to afford a container to live in. Wake up, you don't get to act c*cky ㅋㅋ I'm so disappointed in him as a former fan.

3. [+3,827, -34] The absolute worst way to make a joke out of someone is to demand that they come and find you at your concert hall if they want their money back. I couldn't believe my eyes when I read that ㅋ

4. [+1,685, -31] His clarification really was disrespectful

5. [+604, -7] I want his taxes investigated as well


Article: Microdot, Dok2, now Rain... '#debttoo scandals' shake up the industry

Source: Sports Chosun via Naver

1. [+2,054, -35] Pay back the money you owe

2. [+1,722, -263] I think Rain handled it well... His mother passed away so impoverished that she couldn't even afford her treatments so there was no way that Rain could've known... leave him out of this.

3. [+834, -20] Please pay back your debts on time. It's aggravating for the person who lent it.

4. [+900, -373] I still don't get why children are being demanded to pay back their parent's debt... Just feels like their celebrity image is being used... Once they start paying all these back, people are going to want more and more..

5. [+227, -45] No mention of BI at all. His agency really must be that strong.

6. [+113, -12] If you were scammed, report it immediately. Don't just sit on it for decades and then demand that the children pay for it. The national petition board is not a center for you to get back your debts.

7. [+106, -5] Rain handled it well. He already saw the other two ruin themselves with how they handled it...

8. [+125, -26] Dok2 posted on his Instagram that he met with the victim, resolved their misunderstandings, and took responsibility as the son. It's over now. Meanwhile, I abhor BI for hiding behind his agency without giving any feedback. His father scammed people out of 18.8 billion won.


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