Kakizaki Memi blog: Handshake event outfits. Mechakari. Handshake guest reports.
Kakizaki Memi2018.11.09
Good evening,
It's Kakizaki Memi.
Yesterday at Makuhari was the final individual handshake event for the 7th single!
My dress ↓♥ ♥
From Mechakari!!
There are a lot of cute dresses on Mechakari

I almost always wear clothes with frills or lace, and I'm enjoying the challenge of wearing different looks

I also wore a Lawson's uniform!
It even has a nameplate on it...

Wearing it made me feel like working at Lawson's, lol


Thank you very much as always ♥
Today was the last individual handshake event of the year....
The next handshake event, on December 21st, will be a pairs handshake event in Osaka
If you have a bit of time free,
I'd be happy if you made a point of coming

Yesterday's handshake event was so much fun!
Thank you very much to everyone who came!!

Kakizaki Memi
posted 2018/11/08 11:52h
I hoped that doing the Mechakari TV ad meant that Hiragana members would get free use of Mechakari, as Kanji members did, starting at the time of Silent Majority. And it seems to be true. Go, Memi! I like the way she gives Mechakari what seems like some good, and honest, advertising.
I have a few reports from the handshake event (CoCo Ichi is the nickname of the curry chain Hiragana is advertising):
guest ("Dog Wonderful") -- CoCo Ichi (woof). I went there!
Memi -- Ohhh!
guest -- Coco Ichi (woof)
Memi -- Coco Ichi (woof)?
guest -- .。゚+.(・∀・)゚+.゚
Memi -- woof (。-_-。)
guest -- (´˘`*)
guest -- (thinks: next time I'll ask for a hair..."one hair, please..." lol. here we go)
guest -- meow (thinks: what? what did I just say?)
Memi -- meow ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
guest -- meow, meow (thinks: hey, me, that's wrong. say it properly!)
--- "time's up" ---
Memi -- meow, meow!!
I have successfully completed a full disaster in the second session
--guest's post
(this guest is Shuuwatta (@mukaida46), a long-time fan, a university student in Hokkaido who comes to most of Memi's handshake events and concerts, but has missed a few in recent months:)
guest -- Ohay!
Memi -- Ehhh! You're still living?
guest -- Since yesterday
Memi -- Were you at Zambi? I heard from Kumi.
guest -- Ah, I see, the word got through
guest (Shuuwatta) -- In the time I wasn't coming, what did you think?
Memi -- Well, yesterday I was thinking of hating you
guest -- Whoah!
(Sasaki Kumi handshake)
guest -- It really feels as if Kumi-chan hates burikko. Especially Memi's burikko on GanaOshi...when you looked at her, etc.
Kumi -- Memi shouldn't do burikko at all. It gives me goosebumps (laughs)
guest -- I see (laughs)
Kumi -- Maybe it's because I can't do burikko
(back to Memi)
guest -- Kumi-chan, eh... She says that seeing Memi's burikko gives her goosebumps!
Memi -- That's awful!
guest -- It's true -- even though Memi's burikko could bring world peace.
--- "time's up" ---
Memi -- I'm going to talk with Kumi
guest -- Let's have a burikko contest
Memi -- Ehhh? (laughs)
guest -- I'll start (winks)
Memi -- (winks back)
guest -- (winks)
Memi -- (still holding the guest's hand, lifts it and goes "meow")
guest -- (oh! done for!) You win (laughs). Uh, I lost out on the Christmas live. But I'll get the next one.
Memi (squeezing my hand) -- Go for it, eh!
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