Han Hye Jin to Jun Hyun Moo at the MGA stage: "Cool MC"
[+1491, -62] They were both cute and funny
[+1027, 80] A couple that fits well, it's nice to watch over them. Han Hye Jin's impression has changed a lot. It's becoming way more favorable.
[+751, -36] Woah the vibe on stage was really sincere
[+554, -52] MooMoo and Dalshim looked like they wanted to kill each other lol
[+275, -50] They look so good
[+120, -7] When I look at Jun Hyun Moo, I feel like the way to success is to be ambitious and self confident. He's been working hard since his announcer days. Park Mi Sun even fell down laughing because of his dance. It seems he didn't give up even when he was overworked. He's in so many programs now, not to count the year end entertainment awards and shows and film festivals, they're all calling Jun Hyun Moo.. He's become so busy.
[+95, -6] Jun Hyun Moo looks soo happy
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