Kim Hyun Joon: ''I am unable to see my child, any words can hurt that child so I don't want to say anything"
[+5297, -391] We don't want to see you either. Please be invisible.
[+3283, -165] It's just sad that as soon as he was born, he got genetically tested (paternity test), I don't know what kind of person the mother is but I want you to be a good mother
[+1914, -56] No matter how messy your private life is, you shouldn't be going out drink driving, we have to filter out the people who want to harm others
[+773, -75] Get off my tv
[+771, -70] You can't see her butthole either
[+479, -15] I'm more than disappointed he told a woman he was in a relationship with, that she's a pregnancy machine after she announced her pregnancy
[+479, -18] You didn't want to get trapped so you even demanded a paternity test to use it for legal action, it does not make sense that you'd want to see the kid now, it's not that you are in a position where you can't see him, it's that you don't deserve to see him
[+425, -23] F-cking shameless, let's be real, you don't really wanna see him do you? a kid that came out from an unwanted pregnancy... Why all of a sudden you're shouting about being paternal now that you need to make money
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