Hyuna shares pictures of winter coat pictorial
Article: Hyuna hits peak beauty in her new pictorial, in love with 'E'Dawn♥'
Source: OSEN via Nate
1. [+518, -30] She needs to make a lot of money and buy her boyfriend some food... he looked like he'd been starving in their date photos
2. [+446, -13] At Hyuna's level, she'll be fine on her own without an agency like Cube but what about her boyfriend... or does he not care about his singing career anymore?
3. [+252, -23] I think it's hilarious that it's the people who aren't even Pentagon fans or have spent money on them that're saying they "forgive them" ㅋㅋㅋ
4. [+34, -11] The reason fans were mad at Hyuna for posting those date pictures was because she purposely shared them on Pentagon's debut anniversary when the pictures weren't even taken that day... but of course, it's the people who aren't even fans who are treating the fans like they're overreacting
5. [+18, -3] That first picture looks scary... why wear so much make up in a jacket ad?
6. [+14, -3] She hit peak during 'Bubble Pop' ㅋㅋ she's looking too plastic these days
7. [+10, -3] I read what the fandom has been saying and Hyuna... has not been nice to them. Why would she treat the people making her boyfriend money like that?
8. [+7, -2] She looks pretty but I didn't know her nose was mismatched??
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