'CJ Group' Lee Sun Ho's news of marriage to Lee Da Hee brings back rumors to his ex-wife's death

Article: Lee Sun Ho and Lee Da Hee's wedding news brings back to spotlight his late ex-wife Lee Rae Na

Source: Kuki News via Nate

1. [+956, -141] His ex-wife passed away on April of 2016 and it's barely been two and a half years before he's already met someone new and decided to marry... I'm sure he's dated countless of other women before this decision so that means he must've been looking for a new pick as soon as his ex died. Lee Da Hee is quite ambitious to want to get married into such a position at only 27 years old...

2. [+680, -49] The power of money

3. [+226, -5] He and his ex got married April of 2016. She commit suicide November of 2016. Then he met Lee Da Hee in early 2018 and got married October of 2018. Of course the dead cannot explain what happened between them but I can't help but wonder what her parents must be feeling. They obviously raised her preciously, sending her to Yale and all, and now they must hear news of their ex-son-in-law's new marriage barely two years after they lost their daughter. Or maybe because they know he's a chaebol, their mindset is completely different from the average person...

4. [+137, -0] His ex-wife was super young and smart. I can't help but wonder how devastated her parents must feel for her to have died just seven months after marriage.

5. [+104, -1] I remember CJ has a hereditary disease so they try to marry their kids young to try and get the inheritance line sorted out as early as possible. And by the way, his ex-wife's family knows the exact cause of her death but chose not to reveal it to the public.

6. [+103, -3] I'm amazed that a 27 year old is willing to enter a second marriage. Don't most young women hope to be the first wife of their partner...? I wonder why her parents aren't stopping her.

7. [+96, -2] His poor ex-wife... she was obviously a loved daughter who really did well for herself... She was 22 years old when she died.

8. [+91, -2] I don't have a problem with getting married again since the living must continue living... but the fact that it's barely been two and a half years since his ex commit suicide is fishy....

9. [+83, -4] Lee Da Hee must have a weird mindset... I'd be too weirded out to marry someone whose ex-wife commit suicide

10. [+65, -7] Who knows what will happen to her in two years, maybe end up like the ex-wife too

11. [+47, -0] The ex's death was ruled as suicide but it still seems fishy to me

12. [+44, -1] His ex-wife died two years ago... and I remember reading that the man has a hereditary disease that causes his hand and feet to eventually curl in. I guess the money was good enough for Lee Da Hee.


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